Saturday, October 30, 2010

Carving Pumpkins

What... a SATURDAY post! Yep... working on the weekend... it's that time of year! :)

We had so much fun the other night carving pumpkins with a couple friends!

Gabby thought it was EXTREMELY cool that we had 6 big pumpkins in our kitchen... I think she might have been more excited about the pumpkins in our kitchen then at the patch... (GO FIGURE!)

The three girls 'gutted' one of the pumpkins and the one and only boy took over his own (probably because he couldn't handle the incessant screeching coming from the girls side!)

They all thought it was hilarious to pull... wait for it... TWO SEEDS from the pumpkin! This is the picture:
I am SOO not exaggerating! They were cracking us up!

They lost steam after about 15 minutes, so the adults cleaned them out and up. Then the kids drew the faces to be carved. WOW! I have to say (although I would have loved a few monogrammed pumpkins and classic Jack-O-Lantern faces{and Halloween isn't over yet}) They did SUCH a great job! Gabby even drew a cochlear implant on hers! WHAT!? I was/am SOO proud!

Above is the finished produce with the cochlear implant on the side. Isn't that the cutest!

Group picture!! SO FUN!
Did you know I LOVE this Holiday! :)



Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch 2010

We had a great visit to the pumpkin patch a few weekends ago! The weather this Fall has been unbelievable for playing outside and this day was no exception!

We went on a hayride to the patch, horse rides, the 'train' ride, and just had an enjoyable day!! Here are a few pics of the fun!

I love this picture of Ems with my two favorite men!

The girls shared the same barrel on the 'train.' It was so precious!! (I was scared they weren't going to come back!! :) )
They thought the entire ride was hilarious!
They are at the very back of the train!
I don't know how this train driver puts up with the horn ALL DAY!

The highlight of the day (for Gabby) was the horse ride... it was hilarious... this guy was just standing with a horse taking kids on rides. Next to him were the ponies that went in circles (think metal... lots of metal in a circle, connected to the ponies). Gabby did great... followed directions, held on, went BY HERSELF, etc... Emmy on the other hand is my wild-child! I love the picture below of her... 'look mom, no hands!' Oh Emmy you are going to give me a heart attack!

Cute... I love these buddies!... Emmy calls him 'PaPa'

Yep... we even partook in the cheese!

oh my sweet girls... I LOVE going to the pumpkin patch with you!
Happy Fall everyone!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


HELLOOO Blog world!

Wow... I am so sorry I have been MIA... I have a million and one posts going through my head but can't seem to find the time to write them...


I might be going a *little* crazy...

I might blog a bit more...
...if I didn't have 3 schools for TWO kids (complete with Halloween parties {which of course I volunteered to do something for each one} on everyday of this week and the weekend!)
... if my computer would JUST WORK ALREADY!!


... if I could sleep all the way through the night with NO kid interruptions


...if my oldest child would remember how to be potty trained...especially in the areas of CR*P! :)
...if I had not one but TWO full-time nannies and house cleaning/organizing help

...if I had a million dollars... (I gotta dream hear people!)


...if bread company would just become a drive-through so that I can get a caffeine fix and scrambled eggs for my kids in one stop...without having to schlep everyone in... and deal with the meltdown about wanting the cookie... while trying to juggle all the newly acquired food...


Bread Company is now a drive-through!!

This is some seriously good news... I have been trying to talk every bread co cashier into making it a drive through for years... like since I had Gabby!



I might just be able to post a bit more...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monogram Monday

HAPPY MONDAY! Hope you all had a great weekend and have a great week... enjoy a little embroidery...
Here are the fleece headbands we did for the Clayton Field Hockey team.
I love these classic linen hand towels as hostess gifts and every other occasion. We see this in all white like the one pictured and we have some holiday ones as well!

Love these precious little girl clothes... How fun is the teal thread on hotpink circle monogram with the last letter c inverted!
Lunch box...girl :)
Lunch box...boy :)

The classic Villa logo for mens polo shirts

Embroidered Towel
Fun w applique

sweet little Funtasia jumper

Lilly applique circle with the monogram in the middle

our fabulous hat!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

sweet sisters


Lately our house has been so filled with fun! The girls have really been playing together well and I love watch them interact!!

Gabby is a little mommy to Ems and loves to take charge of their play


Emmy likes to do her own thing as well as Gabbys thing


A somewhat volatile play environment...

So I enjoy when they get along and play sweetly... they really do love each other so much and I am so happy to see that. My sister is my best friend and I hope and pray everyday that they will be best friends when they grow up.

I love these two girls so much!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What in the world...

So the other day when BOTH the girls were in school I popped into the local nail place to get a quick eyebrow torture... umm I mean... 'wax' and I couldn't believe my eyes...

These cutsie chairs were right inside the door.

Once I got over how... ummm... 'cute' these were I got mad...

Ummm... I think this is all kinds of wrong!!

Don't misunderstand... I am ALL about getting mani-pedi's and I even think it will be such a fun mommy date to bring the girls..I am thinking birthday party someday...

but if a child can't sit long enough to ENJOY getting her (or his!) nails done WITHOUT a MOVIE... I just don't get it! (PLUS... If I were to take my kiddos to get their nails done and they see the little DVD player, all surrounded by cutsie bear stuff, THEY WOULD WANT THE MOVIE (obviously)...completely voiding any attempt on my part at some quality girl time...ARGGG)

Is it just me that enjoys the experience and not just the end result... why would anyone want to teach their child that you can't even sit in a wonderful comfy chair... calm down and enjoy a little down time...

Come on Nail place... save the movies for home time or even car time and encourage a little adult/child interaction!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Ummm.. yes... you read that right... FIELD HOCKEY!!


I am seriously so excited that Gabby is doing an organized sport... you just have no idea!

This kid who was born DEAF, with serious heart issues, and all sorts of 'supposed' genetic issues (not to mention NO coordination!) jumped right in with the big kids and LOVES playing field hockey...

with a stick...

and a stone ball...


Here she is on her first day... it was raining so it was inside.

The next week she shot out of the car to the field. She did NOT want us to walk her down... she is a big kid after all (actually it is a 4-6 year old team, and yes she is 3!) :)
The coaches are so cute! They actually were doing drills and ball skill work. I am impressed at their expectations.. :)
That is my kid in the pink pants and white sweatshirt! *beam, beam*
Her coach is very into making that a great before the drills she explains how important it is to cheer for our 'teammates.'
Gabby getting shooting instructions...

and she scores... oh wait... not yet... :) Come on Gabs one more hit!

There she goes! Nice goal!

Post goal instructions...I can just hear her saying "keep your eye on the ball."

Emmy had a ton of fun playing outside while Gabby played hockey... she kept running all over the field doing diving somersaults. It was pretty hilarious...

I love my girls and am so excited for this new stage of life... Organized sports!
Just remind me of that when I am running all over creation to 30 different extracurricular activities!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monogram Mondays...

Sorry I have been MIA for a bit... I have NOT been good at bringing my camera places and lets just face it... I just can't post without a pic... maybe one day my brain will reform from the rubber it has become but for now... enjoy the PICTURES! :)
Our fun new 'longchamp look-alikes.' They fold up tiny, open up large and only cost $22 (that price includes the monogram or name).

We did these great jackets for the field hockey coaches at Clayton

A classy monogrammed shirt cuff and pocket hankie for a wedding.

LOVE this new quilted orange bag with the chocolate circle monogram. Perfect catch all for Fall!

Our corduroy light pink jumper with a Navy monogram. They paired this with our navy pants and white shirt for big brother.

Cutie Pa-TOOTIE! :) Love this lettering...look at the 'O'

yes please! the circle applique with the single letter is so popular right now!

Appliqued single letter

The applique fabric is the 'minky dots' to go right along with the polka dots!
Darling 'Lilly' applique letter on a baby bib... spit won't look any cuter then this!

and last but NOT least...
This is our new hat for Fall... WE LOVE IT! We have them in a ton of different color combinations and have already sold a bunch... You will see plenty of pictures in the coming days. These are so soft, cute, and unique. What a great gift!