Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Silly, Silly girl...

I love this fun girl so much! She found these stickers and made herself into a clown!

Hope you had a great Tuesday... I am so busy with WORK! NOT a bad problem my peeps BUT I am trying to fit blogging into my schedule... wish me luck! :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monogram Monday...

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving... we sure did! Our family has so much to be thankful for this year and I will be sure to show you a few of our fun activities from this past week but in the meantime... it... is... MONOGRAM MONDAY! Here are a few of the fun things I have been working lately...

Darling coordinating sister shirts. I love the modern flair of these. Pink, Green, a Fun Font... you can't go wrong!
A fabulous gift idea... these turned out so great!
Tilt your head to see a great new font! I love the 'O' and the dot on the 'i'
A sweet little shirt...
I love plaid on little boys...maybe one day...
I love this circle font on this fabulous, large quilted bag...

These bags are so neat... they fold up into a tiny square. Perfect for travel!
Some more fun headbands... always a hit with the college through toddler ages
Love this classic applique hoodie with one of our new fonts!

Turn your head to see a precious jumper and longsleeve blouse
Our classic bloomers with a fun font...

A fun Lilly applique flower on our classic bloomers
Our classic bloomers with a classic font...
I love this versatile, large quilted duffle! and this whimsical font is a great touch.

Happy Monday everybody! Thanks for reading and if you need anything embroidered get your order in before it is too late!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

we are READY...


seriously... that is what we are thankful for! and this wasn't staged...she came right in and laid right down on the floor...

Hope you all have a fabulous, relaxing, fun and restful Thanksgiving! We are looking forward to a break!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


E: Look mom this turkey says GOBBLE GOBBLE!

Me: haha...yes that lunch meat USED to say GOBBLE GOBBLE...

E: why?


Monday, November 22, 2010

Monogram Monday

Happy Monday... here are a few things I have been up to this week!

I love this corduroy football font applique!

and the football font
This has become a popular style for the tween/teen girls
Classic, cute t-shirt

Love this bright, fun hat!
I love this green and red hat for Christmas fun!
and what a sweet little sweatshirt for this sweet little girl!

Friday, November 19, 2010


How do you explain to toddlers and preschoolers the merit of sports when all they can see is the 'fashion.' Oh yes... they LOVE wearing shin guards... and 'fast' (tennis) shoes... but kicking the ball....lets just say we have a ways to go!

Look mom...

This is after I told them to smile... (little miss attitude!) HA!

I guess I should just be proud they can put the shin guards on by themselves... Yale here we come!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Oh Fall... How I have missed thee

We have had the most wonderful Fall in the Midwest... it has been so warm and we have taken advantage of the beautiful weather in a big way! So, don't think I am complaining when I say I have missed the cooler weather... but it is back! and I am loving it! Here are some pictures of the girls helping with the leaves...

I have such great memories of 'doing' leaves with my sister when I was little. I so hope these two girls will grow up to be buddies like my sister and I!

Emmy loved taking piles of leaves and throwing them up in the air! It was so cute!

Welcome FALL! Can't wait to get out our long sleeved shirts and scarves (monogrammed of course)!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

mom... you know that thing...

that says... 'whooo, whooo'

Me: You mean an Owl, Gabby?

G: Yeah one of those is sitting on the fence...

Me: WHAT!?

sure enough... it was amazing! Gabby said it so matter of fact that I thought she was kidding. NOPE! We were late to school because I was so enthralled by this HUGE bird... the pictures don't do it justice. But this was COOL! This owl was at least 2 feet tall and just so spooky looking...it stared straight at us even when we 'whooed' it.
Finally, he flew up to the neighbors fence... it was great to see it fly!
I can totally see why people seek out bird watching... seriously!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pinkies UP

Oh yes... we are all girl in our house...including tea parties in which we have to put our pinkies up! OF COURSE! :)

Gab and Em love to have tea parties so my mom pulled out the tea set from when I was a kid. They loved it! All the little food, the tiny plates and cups, doing 'cheers,' pretending we have new names like 'mrs. magilicuty,' and learning tea party etiquette. So fun... here is Em doing cheers with my mom!

Emmy and her 'smile'... what am I going to do!? :)
more smiles...

Won't you join us... here is your cup!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monogram Monday

Happy Monday!... here is a little left over Halloween!

Newborn onesie for a little newborn candy corn... :) Super sweet applique bib
Initials on a T... dresses anything up!
Newborn baby gift... onesie with a appliqued bib
another baby gift... bloomers for the baby and Tshirt for the big brother
Sweatshirt with applique and embroidery together... I think this is super fun!

Our fabulously fun hats!

A great new bag! Folds up to practically nothing...perfect for travel!

A babies first pillow
A robe and slippers set...for a toddler!

A new baby gift... diaper bag, elephant lovie, baby blanket, and rattle
A sparkly, fabulous hat!

A great touch for the simple jumper!
A classic jumper

dressing up a simple white shirt with a funky letter!
Hope you all have a great day! Happy Monday!