Friday, September 10, 2010

on this rainy, blustery day...

I wish I was back in Florida! So I might as well blog about it and live through the pics of our amazing August vacation. :)

This following picture shows just how much Emmy bear loved the sand and was ready to be free from the car!!! :)

After 12+ hours of driving we finally arrived in Florida! Wahoo!! We all wanted to see the beach right when we arrived so we unloaded and piled in the back of the jeep...

The girlies loved riding in the back! (Don't worry, we only ride in the back in FL where the speed limit is something like 17 and it is all of a 1 minute car ride).

When we got down there we were greeted by a guitar, bonfire and s'mores. SO FUN! Gabby went immediately to treasure hunting and Ems was quintessential Ems... CRAZY! She was rolling and throwing and diving and swimming in the SAND! HA! You thought I was going to say she went in the water! Nope... she was a sand crab for real.
Here is Daddy making sure there is no oil... check! We didn't see any the entire time we were there.

After fun at the beach we headed back to the house and had baths and cuddles with our wonderful Uncle M! We also excitedly waited Aunt T' and MiMi's arrival!

Fresh from the bath!

Aunt T (as usual!) spoiled the girls with these precious baskets of goodies (of course G loved the ring pops!) and MiMi gave them these darling dresses and another cute set that I put their names on. Then we went to the beach!!

and the pool...
This was pretty much the entire week mixed with some great food, games, laughs, shopping, and movies... SO GREAT!!!
Uncle M figured out how to get the girls to sit on his lap... CHEETOS! Emmy now calls them Uncle Morgan cheetos... hilarious!
On a bike ride with the mission to get ice cream we discovered an outdoor play going on at Seaside amphitheater... it was the closing night of Charlotte's Web and it was so cute. Gabby has been 'pro-spider' ever since. Who would have ever guessed that she would cry if I stepped on a spider! HA!

Tara and I had the goal of swimming in every pool... there are 5 and we did it! Here we are at one of our favorites because it is always empty!

and it has a separate 'kiddie pool' (in quotes because we aren't even sure anyone is allowed in it but it works great for the girlies!) and a water fall!

We also enjoyed feeding the fish daily. They are getting bigger and bigger and more fun to watch. Above, Emmy bear is double-fisting fish food (leftover anything we can find!).

I love this sweet moment with Gabs and Derek on the dock!
Here is what they were looking at...

How many years do we have to do this until one of them finally falls in... YIKES! I give it 2 if we ever have a boy!

I finally convinced them to lay down so mommy wouldn't have a heart attack! :)

We also had lots of cuddle time with books and toys...

(and picture time! Thanks Tara- click to see a few of the best!) (You will have to scroll down a few photo sessions to see us)

We had a fabulous, relaxing trip with amazing family. Great memories and great fun had by all! Can't wait to go back!!

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